I would love to welcome you MIND SOUL WELLNESS I have been working with energy for many many decades I am a empath and alchemist and transform heavy energies. We are at a very pivotable time in history as WE +our earth […]
Authentic Self Mastery Meditation

Authentic Self Mastery Meditation is a Re – Set for the new and to establish a new future. Enjoy this guided meditation with crystal bowls to support healers, empaths and sensitives to step up and prepare what is now called the Great Awakening. This is a powerful transformational healing for everyone who listens. […]
Radiate Confidence through Heart Awakening

Photo credit Unsplash Carol Oliver When a woman knows Radiate Confidence through Heart Awakening meaning of love and compassion it vibrates good health and wellbeing . Her heart […]
Sudden Life Changes

A little about me, I am a Intuitive Life and Wellness Expert supporting us all to dive into our Mind Body Soul and deepen Mind Heart connection a little like a blossoming of a rose, you see the key is held deep within you to why you are experiencing certain events that eventually affect […]