Definition Mind Soul Wellness

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Definition Mind Soul Wellness

REVIEWS FOR JUDY’S WORK AT MIND SOUL WELLNESS – Self Development  It is a priority to work with the programs habits and learn’t behaviors  especially from new born to 8years when we are like sponges to learn information. Our Soul carries timeless information like a hard drive on a computer with stored memories events and trauma. […]


Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Change@ MIND SOUL WELLNESS

                          I would love to welcome you MIND SOUL WELLNESS I have been working with energy for many many decades I am a empath and alchemist and transform heavy energies. We are at a very pivotable time in history as WE +our earth […]


Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | EMPOWERING CREATION CALL

A Call to have in your TOOL BOX this Call will grow with your journey as your Higher Self leads the way always. Use the photo of the light codes captued on the new moon to activate you journey My heart is full and overflowing on this day. I have just gifted myself space to […]

Authentic Self Mastery Meditation

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Authentic Self Mastery Meditation

Authentic Self Mastery Meditation is a Re – Set for the new and to establish a new future.   Enjoy this guided meditation with crystal bowls to support healers, empaths and sensitives to step up and prepare what is now called the Great Awakening.   This is a powerful transformational healing for everyone who listens. […]

Radiate Confidence through Heart Awakening

portrait photography of woman with blue eyes

                                                      Photo credit Unsplash Carol Oliver When a woman knows Radiate Confidence through Heart Awakening  meaning of love and compassion  it vibrates good health and wellbeing . Her heart […]

Sudden Life Changes

Mind Soul Wellness with Judy Browne

  A little about me, I am a Intuitive Life and Wellness Expert supporting us all to dive into our Mind Body Soul and deepen Mind Heart connection a little like a blossoming of a rose, you see the key is held deep within you to why you are experiencing certain events that eventually affect […]

Self Love

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Self Love

THE GIFT OF LOVE Written by Judy Browne When you have an ‘open’ heart you’re content and happy, your heart acts like a magnet of attraction! When your heart is not open, you’re missing out on one of life’s biggest gifts: the gift of love. So if someone was to ask you right now if […]

Navigating Life in Times of Change

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Navigating Life in Times of Change

As Navigating Life in Times of Change  can be confusing I  am noticing and feeling the struggle and survival that is happening for so many of us at this time . We are all feeling the stress around relationships both at work and personal. The way we are led into work and home issues and […]

Managing Energy Shifts and Why ?

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Managing Energy Shifts and Why ?

Up Levelling Symptoms and tips on Nurturing YOU Let’s look at how energy can affect us and this means when you have an Alignment Session with me or what’s happening as we receive the energies that are pouring onto the planet at this time. This has been happening since the late 1980’s. So lets look […]

Sacred Activations

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Sacred Activations

                    Transformational Sacred Activations Have you noticed just how much information we have to work though to get answers quickly? I  know I  have so I’m writing this blog for you so you  have a  better understanding  of  the  Session work I am bringing through at […]