Work Related Stress

“Work challenges in the Corporate Sector” I am becoming increasingly aware of burnout in the workplace with my clients who come to see me because of exhaustion and sometimes feeling defeated in this changing world of work impact survival. My belief is to be the best version of ourselves and deal with leadership, life outside […]
Un Predictable Change

This year has been huge with lots of events and triggers from the past or present. We become sensitive especially this year being a Mastery year 11 as it is magnified! Why is this happening? Firstly because so much is not working or hasn’t been reflecting truth or authenticity or something is in this state […]

Empowering Financial Magnetism meditation is here to support you clear obstacles that block your money and responsible ways of handling money without feeing your missing out. Powerful clearings to get to the root of the wall that keeps you from manifesting workidedeg with the consios mind sub conscios genetic DNA of your ancestal blood line […]
Why I do what I do ?

I am so committed to helping you step into your gifts, but the journey for me to arrive at this place as a teacher, mentor and healer has been a long and winding journey. Today I want to share with you a little about my personal journey and share with you a little around Why […]