Angel Eyes Meditation

(1 customer review)



This is a roadmap to your success

  • A beautiful journey set to Indie Music: Ease to take your journey deeper I personally did not want this to end so I  have added more music to prolong your journey with the angels.
  • Angel Eyes activating OM presence through the flame of heart and soul magnetism to radiate unconditional love of self and all aspects of who you are.
  • Validating who you are – Bringing you and angel eyes as one with I AM ENOUGH
  • Neural pathways together with the Akashic Records clearing you deeply that you are more than you believe
  • To be brought into resonance with, you are more than enough in your relationships career finances and health
  •  You are given time to make  an intention of what you are working with at this time
    Each time you listen you can work on something new


This is a roadmap to your success and Rejuvenation

  • Angel healing powerful but gentle to bring you into a space to go deeper with geometry for sacred space
  • Malachite crystal energy was placed under your pillow  and another larger piece placed in your room  to further enhance . Supportive with children who may experience night terrors,  supports your muscular skeletal system enhancing careers and so much more
  • Soul retrieval for those that have experienced shock and trauma
  • Transmission of diamond light
  • Green emerald light for healing – You are amazing You can achieve anything!
  • Full body reconnection
  • Base chakra receiving restoration as this is your temple of the physical body enhancing wellness confidence balance and harmony
  • Angel eyes transmission
  • Divine Bliss
  • Deep peace Angel Power Sacred Activation
  • Heaven on Earth
  • Illumination

Music-   Chris Collins

1 review for Angel Eyes Meditation

  1. Bianca

    My son listened to Angel eyes for the first time last night . Thank you, he said he slept so deeply.

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