New Moon | Lions Gate | Expansion Calls

NEW MOON Lions Gate Calls For WEALTH Happiness WELLNESS 

New Moon Eclipses and Lions Gate Creation Calls  are well recognised for enhancement of intentions a little like setting intentions on steroids as the energies are high to bring manifestation to you WEALTH HEALTH LOVE RELATIONSHIPS SYNCHRONICITY ENHANCED.

Setting intention at the time of the NEW MOON or Solstice Gateways  we are able to access higher Codes Of Light.
When the moon is new it is growing and this has been used for centuries as the perfect time to manifest intentions and to heal.

All meditations for creation are powerful and transformational.

Receive full clearings and balancing of chakras opening meridians for energy to flow.

You will set your intentions one by one in the highest frequencies for manifestation and synchronicity. These calls are channelled by my Team of Light and the energy is embedded into the audio.

We complete with a short Meditation where I hold space for you to go deep to heal and relax.

Many Blessings ,

Judy Browne

POSITIVE LIFE CHANGE Support Remote Harmonic Prayer Circle