Definition Mind Soul Wellness

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Definition Mind Soul Wellness

REVIEWS FOR JUDY’S WORK AT MIND SOUL WELLNESS – Self Development  It is a priority to work with the programs habits and learn’t behaviors  especially from new born to 8years when we are like sponges to learn information. Our Soul carries timeless information like a hard drive on a computer with stored memories events and trauma. […]

2020 the year of Change

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | 2020 the year of Change

  2020 the year of Change I as  feel into the year that was we will always remember the trials and tribulations the biggest pandemic history has witnessed for over 100 years. We have all faced the stress fear uncertainty with Covid 19 lockdown masks restrictions working from home and for some being out of […]

Authentic Self Mastery Meditation

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Authentic Self Mastery Meditation

Authentic Self Mastery Meditation is a Re – Set for the new and to establish a new future.   Enjoy this guided meditation with crystal bowls to support healers, empaths and sensitives to step up and prepare what is now called the Great Awakening.   This is a powerful transformational healing for everyone who listens. […]

The Great Awakening – Becoming The Change

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | The Great Awakening - Becoming The Change

The Great Awakening – Becoming The Change , you feel like nothing is moving you are just surviving each day? Do you feel tired and have aching joints that are unexpected and suddenly showing up? You are not alone this is part of the process of what I term the great awakener happening on the […]

New Year New Me

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | New Year New Me

  Let’s Reflect on what was so we can begin Fresh with “New Tools to Support YOU”   It doesn’t matter where you are you may be in the northern hemisphere all cozied up with the glow of a fire or like me in the Southern Hemisphere enjoying the glow of summer goodness after what […]

Work Related Stress

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Work Related Stress

“Work challenges in the Corporate Sector” I am becoming increasingly aware of burnout in the workplace with my clients who come to see me because of exhaustion and sometimes feeling defeated in this changing world of work impact survival. My belief is to be the best version of ourselves and deal with leadership, life outside […]

Un Predictable Change

Mind Soul Wellness with Judy Browne

This year has been huge with lots of events and triggers from the past or present. We become sensitive especially this year being a Mastery year 11 as it is magnified! Why is this happening? Firstly because so much is not working or hasn’t been reflecting truth or authenticity or something is in this state […]

Mastering Who I AM

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Mastering Who I AM

Mastering who I AM Mastering Who I AM is when we ponder life with all the twists and changes, we navigate our informative years to become significant adults! We go through so many stages of growing up we become sponges when young learning from what we see and feel and of course our connection genetically both […]


man holding clear glass jar

Empowering  Financial Magnetism meditation is here to support you  clear obstacles that block your money and responsible  ways of handling money without feeing your missing out. Powerful clearings to  get to the root of the wall that keeps you from manifesting workidedeg with the consios mind sub conscios genetic DNA of  your ancestal blood line […]

Dealing with Pain

Letting go of Stress

The Power of Transformation Pain is a signal that something is out of alignment and something is missing? Our conscious and un conscious programming also plays a silent part of what takes place between body mind and soul. The issue in our society is more people are experiencing pain in their physical bodies than ever before. […]