Navigating Life in Times of Change

As Navigating Life in Times of Change  can be confusing I  am noticing and feeling the struggle and survival that is happening for so many of us at this time . We are all feeling the stress around relationships both at work and personal. The way we are led into work and home issues and being a women you are often faced with trying to make everything right or we have to fix what it is.
I am wanting to write about how you may be experiencing overwhelm or just feeling stretched at this time feeling like everyone wants to have a piece of you!

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Navigating Life in Times of ChangeSo how do you manage what your role is and whats expected at home or in the professional sense ?

I am really seeing we are not aware of using healthy boundaries and what we intend or what no longer resonates.

Have you been withdrawn or just noticing the emotions are bubbling up ?

Sometimes when you least expect it almost out of the blue we get caught feeling really off in how we feel .
The energies so far this year have placed us in sensitive mode often bringing on tears that brings up doubt within ourselves.

Have you felt like no one is seeing you or are you being heard?

Often when experiencing an event it can put us in a place of not having any choices and that will bring on the fear so we shutdown and feel miserable and lose our confidence.

So where does this leave us in the big picture of life?

You are different to me and I’m different to you and this is about our families, values and culture . This plays a big part of shaping who we are and how we present to the world.

I remember my mum would often use these words that are simple but is has a resonance .

“It wouldn’t do for us all  to be the same”

The message is communicating how would it be if we were moulded or cloned to be the same !  We are unique each of us and when we start comparing ourselves to others we become flat or disheartened. Perfectionism runs close to what we are talking about as we want to be liked , noticed or loved and somehow we feel if we are perfect we will fit in much better .

What happens is we become exhausted trying to keep up appearances our own personalities are squashed as we shape ourselves into something we are not.

How are you feeling about you ?

Often we are confronted with not feeling enough for what we are wanting to achieve . This can rob us of our true essence of who we really are just because of what we have experienced or felt and we fall into the copy syndrome in a bid to feel better about ourselves .

So Navigating Life with more consciousness and awareness is when you will begin to see you already have what you are looking for and often it has been pushed aside because of shyness or not feeling included.

With my experience of Mentoring –  being the Wise Woman I am here to guide you through the Navigation of Life where you are supported in a way that will unravel the past and really uncover YOU in a new light . You will rediscover yourself  and uncover who you really are. Mentoring supports  change  in your life . I am someone who has the special gift of knowing  and abilities  to shift your outlook quickly instead of doing it on your own.

As a Mentor I uncover  what is often hidden within you in away that releases exciting  life enhancing  possibilities because you start to see yourself and life differently with more flair and confidence .

I invite you to dig deep into possibility ,  Opening your gifts just by believing you  can?

Many Wise Woman have  walked the same pathway  and Created New Sacred Space  while receiving energetic upgrades supporting  YOU with  Heart Expansion  bringing  Comfortable,  Empowered ,  Confidence  that will spill into every area of your life bringing with it a new deliciousness of who you really are


Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Navigating Life in Times of Change

Written by Judy Browne

Mind Soul Wellness

