Calming the Mind

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Calming the Mind

A process to gain balance and equilibrium to ease stress overwhelm and fatigue

I invite you to sit back be comfortable let go of your day as I know life is busy and demands on us can be high.
I have always wanted this space to be loving high vibration and a nice place to check into to receive and feel tranquility and to get some wisdom
I feel my work has evolved so much and feel very blessed to bring through for you multi dimensional and works on many different levels and dimensions to shift your reality and bring you back to your original soul blue print and purpose which often gets lost or numbed out with stress , depression addictions and trauma

This can keep you in repeating patterns and programs which are often connected to past life, ancestral and genetic family lines and that of the group Consciousness of humanity’s pain and suffering.
I have found a better way using high frequencies of Source and the Christ Consciousness Template of Light, Masters, Guides Angelic Realm your Star family and connecting you to your Higher Self and much more.
I’m super excited to work with you on your journey to receive the magical alignment of clearing and up levelling that part of you that may not be fully aligned or attracting the magic of happiness you are wanting to create.

We are all of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine this is part of the big shift of the Golden age and taking us from the old 3D Paradigm to the 5th dimensional grid system of light that will enhance every area of your life if you are ready and open to receive.

We are right now and for the past two and a half years been witnessing the breakdown of the old systems the pandemic and war in Ukraine with Russia tragically destroying through control terror and domination.

My work is suited to someone just starting their journey and those advanced souls and healers entrepreneurs that are looking for support and ways to up level becoming more conscious and aware elevating you in Business and Life.

Firstly my beautiful logo was channelled some 7 years ago for us all to start the process of shifting our hearts resonance all but especially ourselves.

Now in 2022 we are experiencing the new magnetics and plasma light codes to assist our growth in a fast an ever changing world.

The LOGO  / Mandala is made up of three components

Sunflower – Symbolic of the Ancient Galactic Sun God and Unity.

Hexagon – Sacred Geometry 6 sides – Communication- Balance – Union.

Flower of life – Order of Melchizedek – Love – Peace – Unity – Activation.

With these ancient and Sacred energies that are powerful in releasing stress are a healing to anyone who is ready to receive through gazing.
I was very excited about the prospects of this as its exactly what I wanted to be able to have for you to start your journey.

So take a minute and breathe into the essence of this Sacred Circle of the Flower of Life which is about opening you to the higher frequencies of Light that support you in opening your heart through keys, symbols code frequencies of the very highest light that are able to begin to shift your consciousness to a higher awareness in a more supportive way of navigating your life.

To start the process light a candle and have a glass of water to hydrate.
• Light some white sage to clear you and your space
• Call in your Spirit Team Angels Ascended Masters of the highest light.
• Call in your higher self and ask that you receive, expand your Consciousness to activate more love and joy.
• Breathe in focus and intend, you will know when to close your eyes stay aligned with the image for at least 11 minutes or longer

      Allow – Receive – Enjoy

Please use this as intended in sacred space the image cannot be changed and is under copyright.

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Calming the MindThank You