Celebrate NEW YEAR Rituals for SUCCESS

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Celebrate NEW YEAR Rituals for SUCCESS
“End of the Year  Ritual “    …..

Rituals Celebrate POSITIVE INTENTIONS +The  NEW YEAR the completion of any year now behind us it’s now time to look back and acknowledge all  you experienced and yes all of the successes and what wasn’t .  It is so important to remember as we quickly forget the growth that has taken place as we journey through the  year that has been  a rough year for many but in saying that feel into how you were able to regroup and have the strength  to complete the year !

So this post will give you some ideas   and the key to success to see the BEST of your achievements , let go and set you in preparation  for 2024  and beyond

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Celebrate NEW YEAR Rituals for SUCCESSCreating and setting up Sacred Space that sets you right for change for the coming year
I like to prepare and look at the year that was  and   how I accomplished my year.

1 ) Setting up your  Ritual  : Light a candle and put some good music on to get you moving. Create and ask for a loving space. Call In your highest team of Wisdom and Light .
( so important if you are working with your partner or house mate )

2 ) Name up at least 11 events you are PROUD of achieving and if you can do it with your partner for even greater results Yay !

We do this as it takes you to a place of recognition and excitement that keeps the momentum going as we move through the process .

3) Make a list of what you would like to change for 2023 or beyond
Be honest  with what’s not working and why ?
• Career – Advancement
• Health – Diet
• Family – Friends – Communities
• Love – Marriage – Commitment – Partnership
• Spirituality – Meditation – Intuition
• Self Development – Mentoring

4) Look at Solutions and write them down and brainstorm with your partner if you can .  Create a vision board .  Taking the time to really commit to change is really important so your intentions can manifest.  Remember being authentic and true to yourself  is the key here . When working with your partner or house mate remember we have to be gentle with each other and allowing each of you to feel safe to share.  If anyone feels  under threat they will not participate.

5) De Clutter have a look around your : Areas of concern I have not included areas of the home like the kitchen pantry , bedrooms , wardrobes , shoes , handbags etc.  Don’t forget the garage , your car and garden sheds. You will reap the rewards for the effort !
• Home
• Office
• Wardrobe
• Social Media
Creating space creates room for the NEW to appear.

To complete this process are there significant others that you need to
• Forgive • Surrender • Heal ?

Tip: “I’m sorry please forgive me , I love you thank you ” ….. say this on repeat with each person you feel is up for the process and remember to start with yourself ?

Focus on what you want to achieve rather than what you don’t have.

Fact :

Did you know 58% of us make New Year Resolutions that never get past the first few months we sabotage ourselves and this sets us up for failure or if we can’t find the time this usually can reflect in the year ahead !
Make your goals and intentions simple and realistic so you can achieve and celebrate your successes . We all need support in creating Change so the Magic can Flow.

So NOW you can start making changes  for your New Year 

So let’s Celebrate together our  New Beginnings for creating space for success , love and  peace we are all intending

Here are some  of of my achievements :

  • Re Branded my Business
  • Let go of Balance your Health after 15 years of service
  • New business name Magical Heart Awakening
  • Creating a great website that is user friendly
  • New Business Photos that were creative and natural
  • Awesome people cheering me on to expand
  • Meeting new friends
  • Supporting new Charities
  • Family time  , more time to be supportive together
  • Creating sacred space for myself to meditate
  • Exercise and time in nature
  • Travel and holiday Magic that I was blessed to have with family and friends
  • Positive intentions and synchronicity was off the charts and validation of my own up levelling
  • Trained to be one of the 13 Teachers  World Wide  using Sacred Activations
  • Accepted to write a monthly Blog for Sibella Magazine .
  • Very happy with the changes I have made to create a more ease full and simplified  life
  • I am grateful for YOU and my community , family and friends .

    When we give ourselves time to reflect just by reading this post we become inspired and we start to recognise our strengths and our vulnerabilities.  It’s a process and I’m  so happy you are here reading how to set  the foundations  for our New Year of 2023 and beyond a much lighter energy

    Let me know how you find this process and how it has helped you.

    When we share we celebrate one another and this is how the MAGIC HAPPENS.


Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Celebrate NEW YEAR Rituals for SUCCESS

Judy Browne

Mind Soul Wellness











