Positive Change Leads to Enjoyment of Life


Hello Beautiful Soul, Positive Change Leads to Enjoyment of Life

The Great Journey of Change Bookings 

woman in black blazer with silver and white pearl earringsIt is great to be  back taking bookings for September and early October.

I have had a profound time when I look back at my journey of self discovery a new level that I’m excited to bring forward for you.

I felt very supported I was exhausted after covid. I feel now it was a well deserved break when you run a business you don’t get long service and take three months off.

I want to thank those that chose to follow me during my time away and in gratitude for all of you who take the time to read this.

My treatment room has been Re painted and simplified. A time of rejuvenation, evolution and change.



I will talk more about this as there is no going back we must see the changes in positive light it will lighten up in divine timing as we move forward with  new awareness  while respecting one another.

I have included an astrology podcast below don’t be put off by the title it was for August but takes a 5 years  look going forward.

This is a lively podcast natural and funny I love the vibe  you will agree we must stay in high spirit moving forward

Take a look I’m sure you will get something out of it. See this as not a fight world wide but evolution.

Life Is A Journey Listen Here

I  am now taking Bookings   –   Hours Days Below


Check out  all meditations / programs / clearings






Saturdays by request


Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Positive Change Leads to Enjoyment of Life

 Sessions to dive deeper

Soul Readings through accessing your Akashic Records with your permission

As each soul is different with missions unique to you it is very individually brought to you through Soul  Source and your Higher Self.

I highly recommend the Soul Readings it is profound.


Please come over and share the love and experiences I share on FB or Instagram

@Mind Soul Wellness

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Positive Change Leads to Enjoyment of LifeIt can be a roller coaster ride with life changes out of no where it is a time of rapid change and it’s not easy  I also feel and have had sudden shifts. The new codes of light I’m now working with over the past months have changed my perspective in how I deal with sudden circumstances it’s about trust and staying calm.

A family member was back  only days from a European trip returning in pain with a locked jaw headaches and blurred vision luckily was able to get quick attention.

I asked if I could support him with my work, he happily said yes.

I was guided to do the akashic soul  map reading accessing his locked Akashic records. Please note you need permission to unlock a souls Akashic Records

My heart is full 🤍

Wishing you a an amazing week ahead and have had a wonderful day.

Judy Browne
