How Meditation can help you

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | How Meditation can help you


Meditation can change everything in your life

from fatigue and anger to how you view the world. 

The name meditation comes from the Latin word

“Medium” which means “To Ponder”.

This powerful practice has been used since before the 12th century no one knows how it came about. It possibly has a religious context from prayer work done in ritual style and focuses on deep peace and inner calm. When practised with more than one in a group the results are amplified bringing greater joy and happiness resulting in people responding with compassion and kindness rather than anger and hostility.

So fast forward to now in today’s fast and hectic lifestyle often time poor between long work hours and family commitments. Most of us have lost the boundaries around what we think we should do and what we have to do and this has us on a tightrope that can cause health problems in the future.

 So What is Meditation?

When we still have the mind we have a greater chance to let go and surrender which allows us to first unwind from the day and then gain mastery over our own life. 

You may ask how so?

When we focus on our breath and quiet the mind through simple words called mantras we can expand our consciousness which is the quiet place of nothingness. When we reach this level of calm through breath work we peak to another level which I will describe as pure love and bliss. There are many techniques for reaching this higher state ranging from following breath combined with words or mantras to singing praise or chanting. All can raise awareness and create the desired state of zen.

Why is it hard to Master?

The mind plays a major part in the whole equation and will always tell you this is a waste of time and remind you of all the chores you should be doing. The skill is to let your mind have its chatter then ask for permission to relax and focus reassuring your mind it can come back and play after you have finished! This has always worked for my students and their ability to sink into the quiet zone is then easy. I have experienced ecstatic states of bliss when at retreats where nature’s colours are enhanced and dreams are full of colour.

Statistics have shown the improvement in overall health reducing symptoms of ailments with this practice. Imagine planting a seed in a pot. You water the seed daily then it sprouts and flourishes for all to admire.

Here are some helpful tools

  1. Mindful Breathing:
    • Practice mindful breathing exercises at your desk to help manage stress. Deep, slow breaths can promote a sense of calm.
  2. Establish Clear Boundaries:
    • Set clear boundaries between work and personal time. Avoid checking work emails or doing work-related tasks outside of designated work hours.
  3. Create a Relaxing Environment:
    • Personalize your workspace with calming elements like plants, soft lighting, or soothing colors.
  4. Noise Management:
    • Use noise-cancelling headphones or play calming background music to minimize distractions and create a more serene atmosphere.
    • Limit Screen Time:
      • Reduce exposure to electronic devices, especially before bedtime. Create tech-free zones in your home to promote stillness.


Meditation through a daily commitment of just 11mins a day can change your life by your ability to manifest as you become a magnet for your intentions. All you have to do is get out of the way and allow the higher intelligence of energy to flow through your body creating a deep sense of connection to love that is bliss. The more you practice the better you become. You will notice you are less reactive to events, people, and situations.

My importantly Meditation does you, you don’t do it. This is all about letting go of control and trusting in your ability to be one with yourself. This then has a rippling effect on those you come into contact with YOUR ENERGY CHANGES AND IS AMPLIFIED AND FELT BY OTHERS. Be the magnet to draw in your intentions and wishes while being in a complete state of awareness and clarity.

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Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | How Meditation can help youJudy Browne

Mind Soul Wellness