‘The New Road Ahead’


‘The New Road Ahead’

Image – UnSplash Gary Homer
Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | 'The New Road Ahead'
As we move out of November the last day the 30th is a Master day and will slow us down to focus on what we are looking to change. 2022 is the year of change and new harmonics of stillness and calm.
It goes deeper than peace as it starts us to embody stillness within the heart, mind and gut. Time to reassure the body all is ok you may have experienced back pain/tiredness as the energy has been focused on the Root Chakra to be restored. Earth healing through the year has taken us through intense energy changes it’s been a potent change!
The Root chakra is equally challenging bringing up old fear survival programs and lack that affects money, relationships and wellness.
Since the eclipse, we are working with dropping the ego  personality ( yep we all have this)!

All is seen as growth this Wednesday the last day of November you may feel slowed down to align more to stillness. I personally noted this was happening to me yesterday no matter what I did I could not get ahead of what I was doing. The only way forward is to surrender to what’s happening it is all about us embodying choice and accepting stillness at the time.
Yes, this is a gift if you choose to accept it.
Final thought letting go of being in resistance or what you hold back on this is a big trigger for many who may have shut down over the past 2 years through isolation.
The journey we navigate now is letting go of the past to officially want more than what was for you and your loved ones.
Surrounding yourself with an energetic cocktail of loving stillness for support as you navigate through the energetic shifts that are rapidly expanding us all.

I continue to see clients in private sessions and all are releasing un ease from the past control and what has not been working as we move into the new harmonics of change. 2023  will bring more monumental changes as we push through the veils of the last century the 1900’s  It started with the pandemic the world needed a wakeup call no one was ready for what we experienced it was challenging but an awakening. We somehow all learn’t from the growth that took place big and small it does not matter.

As we all cheer each other on to build a richer life tapestry of wellness however that appears for you it is abound building a new life that is more connected.

A New Road Map Ahead

Here is a link for a private session Private Alignment Session


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Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | 'The New Road Ahead'Judy Browne
