Navigating Life Change

Navigating Life Changing Definition

Replace ( Something) with something else especially of the same kind that is  newer or better,  to act process or result to changing such as alteration is change transformation, to transform or convert.
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 Navigating life currently with so many rapid changes happening daily influences how we feel to unravel from the old systems. All of us want a new way of moving forward. From the basics of work, hours to be more flexible and productive to achieve more with shorter work hours while achieving more.
A work balance with more time for family and slowing down,
Families becoming more united to be happy; stable to share work loads of raising a family.
Life is not always textbook perfection as we all know we do learn from the big and small. This can be truly uncomfortable but transformation brings growth and once through to the other side freedom wins each time,
Life growth is about flourishing and being focused in good spirits.
When life becomes out of flow nothing works fatigue levels are high your stress takes over.
You can not change anything until you acknowledge something is showing you it is time to move through fast with health being a big factor you can’t keep up when you feeling low.
We become so engrossed in the story or the event trigger or jealousy we become clouded over what’s true, what illusion, yours and what’s not!
Creating Safe  Space is the first step in this journey which gives you time to reflect and know you are not alone in this process.
Changing how you feel is an inside job and starts with you.
With commitment and positive intentions plus supportive guidance cheering you on safely creates a feeling of confidence.
man and woman holding hands together in field during daytimeLet me bring forward an analogy to describe how our Life stories shape how we interact with others and ourselves.
Invite ten people into a room where an event will take place.   Everyone will come away with a different interpretation of what happened.
Feeling triggered, ANGRY upset some will wonder what the fuss is about and say let us all move on.
What you will notice is the majority of those in attendance will have a different response to what took place.

So the question is why?

 First up you and I have had different life experiences,  our parents are different your unique culture influences your emotional, mental and spiritual self the same as parental expectations. All can lead to not being heard, understood or left out.
When we take a look at our DNA ancestral bloodlines are influenced over many generations/timelines by mother and father’s family connections your soul is like a hard drive carrying wounding betrayal and judgment. All hold the key to healing your inner child,
 News and Social Media  old program habits can set us up with anxiety and can
influence every relationship we encounter.
The wise part of you will see the tapestry of the younger years and experiences like a beautiful rug that is there to buffer us in times of need to grow and become better at making good choices that bring success and is complimentary to who you are.
We do not have to fix ourselves but create and heal what we know in our hearts is no longer resonating and what we have outgrown and what forgiveness is needed to be part of the bigger picture.
Navigating life is like a box of chocolates with lots of variety some hard with hard edges while others in the box are soft and squishy. This represents the key elements of you as an individual.  We are both light and dark; Fear and Love.
Elements of Life can be confusing when unable to understand or seek help for solutions when you don’t understand the ‘whys’  to assist with the change instead of looking at a  band-aid that will “fix” things for a short time.
When we ignore the nudges to get help they pop up again time after time until you are ready to look and bring in the new Canvas that reflects a freeer and happier you that knows without taking on what is not yours and changing what is yours.
Transformation is confidence with reassurance gained through the box of chocolate selection.
A journey of change so true to what we have experienced during the past three years.
Not one person is the same adapting in a way that is learning with new tools to assist stress management by approaching life differently with calmness and healthy responses.
Choices, state of mind your intimate relationships will change like the seasons, how you see situations before you respond is the gift of communication and understanding where the other person is coming from.
When you are at your best self interacting with confidence and compassion you  will emerge as a stronger and kinder person.
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Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | Navigating Life ChangeWritten : Judy Browne