New Branding: Mind Soul Wellness

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | New Branding: Mind Soul Wellness

Today I’m celebrating a Happy Friday and the card chosen is Dreams . I’m also celebrating a change of business name. Heart Mind Soul Wellness. My work and vision are the same but we a living in a world of rapid change and I felt a name change for my business would serve me and us together.
Back to the card chosen plus dreams of something better.
When we are in dream state we receive ideas and inspiration.
Have you ever had a dream that was so scrambled and you wake thinking what was that all about!
Usually when you delve into this it’s showing you / us life has become messy stressed and maybe feeling pressure to perform.

Fascinating times as we expand in times of change reaching a higher potential of Heart Mind Soul Awareness = Wellness

Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | New Branding: Mind Soul WellnessAs mentioned earlier I now have a New Business name Mind Soul Wellness.
My new branding will further serve you in a more expanded way.

Let me explain why?

The mind is the gateway to the heart and soul. The mind creates what we do and our energy on a daily basis.
I have always been fascinated with the Mind and have studied many different modalities and practices including teacher training in Meditation.

The key to happiness is the positive mind, Awareness, Re Patterning to Re Frame and Re Create in a whole new and exciting and simple way.
As often quoted it’s up to you it’s an inside job that requires a will to change.

The Soul is the gateway to the heart love radiance of who you are and is very much part of your creation of life’s journey and your soul signature.
We are in exciting times.

Not always easy to understand!

We are being called to step out of our comfort zone.

We are going through a letting go of the Past to step into a New Trajectory that promises to be more sustainable if you are Willing Commit to something better.

This is called “Wellness”

So my new name is reflecting on all aspects of who you / we are to create balance.

Let’s celebrate change instead of fearing something that is unknown and out of our comfort zone in the safest way for all concerned. When are in a place of vulnerability we are in our greatest strength.

I AM here to support you on your journey that we call life.
If by reading this you are ready to chat here is my contact form below.

Dolphin and Whale Wisdom Meditation


Transformational Tools Shop for Change | Mind Soul Wellness | New Branding: Mind Soul Wellness



Mind Soul Wellness